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  • 2019 3.0



  • 2011 5.0


      《斯巴达克斯:竞技场之神》(Spartacus: God of Arena)实际上就是《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood And Sand)的前传,在这个Batiatus家族崛起的故事中,Lucy Lawless和John Hannah成为人们关注的焦点,他们在Spartacus成为被俘的色雷斯奴隶前就已经是Batiatus家族的优胜者

  • 2007 7.0


    28岁的佐仓明日香(内田有纪 饰)职业是一名自由撰稿人。某天她醒来后发现自己躺在了一间白色屋子的床上。原来是一所精神病院的隔离病房,而这里只收女病人。 明日香感觉自己失去了记忆,她完全不知道自己是如何来到这里的。截稿日期将至了,她却没有院方及男友作家铁雄(宫藤官九郎 饰)的同意不得出院。 她只好在这个地方继续生活。她认识了患有厌食症的美纪(苍井优 饰),得了暴食症的西野(大竹忍 饰),虽然刚开始觉得她们都是怪怪的,但明日香还是跟她们成为了朋友。 铁雄派人探望明日香,一时受不了刺激的明日香麻疹发作。即使这样,明日香还是成功对付了医院护士一往的冷酷无情。就在一切仿佛都将要好起来之际,美纪的一个天大秘密,唤醒了明日香的记忆……

  • 1989 6.0


    20世纪60年代末,左翼暴动席卷香港,局势动荡。                                                                    从乡下来到大都市小玉(张曼玉 饰)是一个苦不见出头的小演员,为了金钱为了上位,真可谓不惜一切代价。在某导演的帮助下,小玉搬入一栋新公寓,偶然机会认识了住在天台的阿恭(钟镇涛 饰)。穷困潦倒的阿恭白天是一名白牌出租车司机,晚上则成为阔太太的性伴侣。两个畸零人从最初的轻视和憎恨,最终走到了一起。他们努力赚钱,经营生活

  • 2007 9.0


    Season 4, Episode 1: Fun Run Original Air Date—27 September 2007 Michael accidentally runs over Meridith in the parking lot, and his guilt causes him to organize a 5-K run for her. Dwight and Angela have a falling-out after he kills her cat, and the Jim and Pam's relationship is discovered. Season 4, Episode 2: Dunder Mifflin Infinity Original Air Date—4 October 2007 Michael feels threatened when Ryan returns to the Scranton office to share his ideas about the future of Dunder Mifflin. Jim and Pam's relationship is shared with the entire office, while Angela and Dwight's relationship is on the rocks. Season 4, Episode 3: Launch Party Original Air Date—11 October 2007 The Dunder Mifflin Infinity website is launching and Michael is excited about going to the big launch party in New York while Angela plans a satellite party for the Scranton branch. Meanwhile, Dwight competes against the website to see who can sell the most paper in one day. Season 4, Episode 4: Money Original Air Date—18 October 2007 As Jan renovates the condo, Michael confronts his growing debt every way he can, which includes pressuring his employees for a loan. Pam and Jim spend a night out on Dwight's family farm, now a bed and breakfast. Season 4, Episode 5: Local Ad Original Air Date—25 October 2007 Michael tries to make a local Dunder Mifflin commercial that is better than the one the professional ad agency made for them. Meanwhile, Andy tries to confide in Dwight about his new relationship with Angela. Season 4, Episode 6: Branch Wars Original Air Date—1 November 2007 Michael and Dwight try to play a prank on Karen, who is now manager of the Utica branch, after she tries to steal Stanley from the Scranton office. Meanwhile, Pam, Toby, and Oscar start their own exclusive office book club. Season 4, Episode 7: Survivor Man Original Air Date—8 November 2007 After Michael isn't invited to a camping trip with Ryan, he sets out to prove that he can brave it out in the wilderness by himself. Jim, who is in charge of the office while Michael is gone, tries to change the birthday party policy. Season 4, Episode 8: The Deposition Original Air Date—15 November 2007 Michael is put in an awkward position when Jan sues Dunder-Mifflin for wrongful termination and he is deposed as a witness. Meanwhile, Kelly begins smack talking Pam after Darryl beats Jim at ping pong. Season 4, Episode 9: Dinner Party Original Air Date—10 April 2008 Michael invites Jim and Pam and Andy and Angela to a couples-only dinner party, which makes Dwight very jealous. However, the only thing he's missing is a ringside seat to witness Michael and Jan's extremely dysfunctional home life. Season 4, Episode 10: Chair Model Original Air Date—17 April 2008 Kevin and Andy team up to reclaim the stolen Dunder-Mifflin parking spaces, which forces them into a showdown with the other five bosses of the office park. Meanwhile, Michael becomes fascinated by a women modeling chairs in a catalog. Season 4, Episode 11: Night Out Original Air Date—24 April 2008 Michael and Dwight to to New York to party with Ryan, who is having lots of personal and professional problems. The rest of the office employees work late, and wind up getting locked in the business park. Season 4, Episode 12: Did I Stutter? Original Air Date—1 May 2008 Michael tries to figure out how to respond to Stanley's insubordination during a meeting, and Dwight buys Andy's vehicle and immediately flips it for more money. Season 4, Episode 13: Job Fair Original Air Date—8 May 2008 Dunder-Mifflin participates in a high school job fair, but few students are interested. Jim, Andy, and Kevin play a round of golf with a prospective client. Back at the office, everyone but Dwight and Angela leave for the day. Season 4, Episode 14: Goodbye, Toby Original Air Date—15 May 2008 Michael throws an extravagant going-away party for Toby, and falls in love with the woman who is replacing him. Jim plans to propose to Pam at the party, but gets out-staged. Back at corporate, Ryan is arrested for fraud.

  • 2019 4.0



  • 2022 4.0



  • 1980 6.0



  • 2020 6.0



  • 2009 1.0


    本片根据中国传奇女作家张爱玲经典小说《倾城之恋》改编。讲述发生在中国二十世纪三十年代的旧上海,女主人公白流苏(陈数饰)与男主人公范柳原(黄觉饰)在硝烟战火下的倾世爱恋。   家道中落的白家祖上曾盛极一时,可坐吃山空又因循守旧,落得日子过得捉襟见肘。白家为解除窘境,把自家六小姐白流苏嫁给暴发户唐家少爷唐一元(王学兵饰)。白流苏原以为这样就可以逃离白公馆里众人的处处挤兑算计、张张尖刻嘴脸,可游手好闲的花花公子唐一元在婚后更是变本加厉。唐一元死后,唐父开出丰厚的价钱让白流苏为他家守活寡……种种不公愈演愈烈,直到白流苏结识了她一生的挚爱范柳原,一段刻骨铭心的倾城之恋即将上演。

  • 2021 8.0


    在我们普通的青春里,最疯狂的高光时刻会是什么?张伟(辛云来 饰)是一个长相普通、成绩中游的高二学生,是老师和妈妈眼中的「差生」。面对多方打压,他也渐渐对自己失去了信心,直到意外被任命为学校组建的男子花样游泳队队长,他一点点被改变……从来没有被人相信过的他面对队友高飞(李孝谦 饰)、陈铭涵(冯祥琨 饰)、蛐蛐(王川 饰)、王子(吴俊霆 饰)的信任,第一次有了想要赢一次的想法。为了心中重燃的热血,少年们决定一起迎接这场“男子花样游泳”的青春反击战……

  • 2006 8.0



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